The person behind stick his/her toes in between me and weiloke, you know where you put your hands? yea I thought what thing touched me halfway through the show lol.And yueqi's hair was stepped on, -___-
SeowWen's head was banged by someone's butt. LOL epic much.
知道世界很善变,没想到连你也变 [♥]
Hello baby c: This makes my 700th post. I will never give jielinnnx33 up. It's a habit I would never want to get rid. Good good.
Today is slack day. Basically nothing much interesting during lessons. Love the TomYam *craves*
Went for CCA, designed the opening board with sw. Lots of Innovate coming out, let's see.
Coming Friday it's Finex biz plan viewing in Suntec, Early dismissal (Y)
Then next Friday have to stay back to help prepare drinks for some concert thingy. Dinner provided, not that bad. And before the concert thingy have Finex training. One day after will be Finex competition in CBD. And the next day after competition will be meeting with Mr R. Haizz busy max. Not to mention listening compre next wed. But one good thing is, no CCA next wed ^w^
Didn't go for the election thingy,
9Temples with wl, sw and yq.
Was a sudden thing, very happy cause they wanted to watch. Lol btw we left school at 4:10 and the show starts at 4:10. So missed the front part of the moviez. I think:
1. Not much scary scenes, I'm more scared of sw in fact cause she screamed a few times.
2. Karma is a scary thing
3. The male lead "James Alexander Mackie" is pretty hot. Serious. I tried to google for his picture and apparently I failed. Not popular enough I guess. He's got a good body hahaaa and sharp nose. I like :D
4. The female lead chio too. :D
5. The monk without eyebrow is pretty errie
6. I understand the plot hahaa!
7. Nice to share coke with them (Not relevant to movie I know) and my neck/leg hurts cause can't sit too high/low.
8. IMO it's rated NC16 cause of it's sex scene. lol. K not exactly that. ._.
If you're looking for something thrilling/scary this isn't a movie for you. But the plot, not bad la.
Must faster finish work and stuff to go for more movie! :D
Walked around cwp, met yl and co. Checked baby stuff, searched for a bag but failed, went home ^.^
Nap and am blogging now (obvious)
Alright one last thing to show you all ^o^
LALALAAA look at the white fluffy ball over there! Too bright I know. Was a gift from liese for participating in something and I can't remember what. nvm that's not important anyway. A bit heavy/noisy I know, but very nice leh. Hanged the gift from TYX (which is the Mashimaro) together with my Viewty. Pink, white, gold, hearts, ribbons, bells, mashimaro and bunny = I love. :D
Updated playlist already C:
And last thing (really), been super high recently and they commented how scary I am! High and happy comment, sad and emo also comment, 做人难hahaha!
Can I don't go for Econs day tmrrrr :(:(:( Lonely leh.
I don't like you, I don't like you, I don't like you you you you yeaaaaaa~
Don't worry people ^ is not about you readers . The person wouldn't read my blog(95% sure) haha :D