by - September 24, 2010

Hi yo. I'm blogging without computer now, you get what I mean.

Anyways, today was totally retarded. I can't wake up despite falling asleep while watching hai pai.

And totally forgot the change in lesson D: luckily I never pack my bag hahaa.

Phoneless today. I think I should totally don't bring my phone to school. Troublesome max.

Chem lesson was awesome, as usual. Played some fb sketching game, it's fun okay

By the way ms goh gave us hk marshmallows ^w^
Awww it's so nice of her.

Rained like mad when school ended-___-
Took bus for a few consecutive days.

Went to yishun, tuition.
Home after that > food > jewel beach (love this game now)

I think I'm going to fall asleep again, very soon.

1. Treatment wasn't so good = waste money
2. I'm going shopping tmr :)
3. Meeting dr Wang for follow-up
4. Either I'm awfully stressed or menses is coming. I'm having break-outs :(:(:(
5. 10pm show is good
6. No com cause no charger!!

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