by - September 25, 2010

I'm super happy hahaaaa! Except the fact that I hasn't start revision. Sinful tv :(
I got some pictures to post, hmmm.
But still deciding whether or not to put it here. Lol. Yaaaaaayaaaaaa.

Hmm I'm starting to attach piccccz ^^

Updated 2:09am. I've been thinking, wouldn't one feel remorseful for taking someone else's things? And it's so obvious. My locking up plan failed cause everytime when I'm in a rush I just pull out the stuff from the stuff-to-the-max luggage bag. It's so full and messy, I can't zip it.
Zero guilt?

Just a thought, I'm lying, something triggered it. Well laaaalaaa.

Hmmmm thank god I've tyx here with me.
She's loved okay. She accompanied my lonely phone and lonely phone's owner for 2 hours. Endless talk. So I've been talking to her while eating the poor fish (nobody eat leh) and watching nanny McPhee AND DESPERATELY TRYING TO MULTI-TASK. Wanted to revise but the ram of my brain is too small cannot run if not will hang.

Going to say sayonara to tablet and m1-5.:(
Anyway bye-bye cyberspace. I have to wait until I free to go down and get a com once tablet is gone.

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