by - October 03, 2010

Gawr I'm here AGAIN.
I've this weird parting now. ZZZ Like a bald patch in my fringe? Sucks ttm.
So tmr either
1. Snap the ends to become mushroom again
or 2. Snap the sides so it becomes the old-so-boring side fringe I used to have.
But I like it leh.
(Minus the bald patch I mean)

Intending to upload some pictures to liven up the spirits here but I'm lagging. Damn the internet I think a snail would crawl faster. Dui lian si le.
Tmr marks the start of doom day and what the hell, I still can blog and twitter non-stop. GP and chinese = not much to prepare. I think I should start on other subjects D: Hmmmmm. One thing for sure, sleeping early!

And after promos, there would be major change. Now, time to read some notes. Time to read those gp thingy. I will just read what I managed to find I guess.
Chinese revise after GP!

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