by - October 12, 2010

Started the day with op clinic. Played all the way.
Then had western :):)

Aftermath 2 hours chinese. Wrote rubbish for compo lol I'm lazy to think. Finish compre in less than an hour. Gave crappy answer. Lol.

Went back to class, watched sj vids hahha mad funny imma watching it again later.
Edited wr left a little. Shall send in a draft by today! Must!

Then had a little break, did some more editing and left for home.

Napped all the way, just had dinner and practiced songs. Hiakhiak.

Shall do the last editing at 10. Now I wna download personal taste and watch sj videos:):)

Tmr will be doom day. It's like a roller coaster, perhaps you're scared when it's going down, but believe me, soon enough it will be over. And you must pick yourself up, move forward and upwards. You had to face what you did, this is life. But trust life cause it wouldn't be the end if you continue to hope and work hard.

Above is a note from left brain to right brain.

Btw, I really should start reading some news or what. I'm as good as a tortise living in it's own shell ( worse than frog in the well, at least it has seen what's around in the well )

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