by - October 03, 2010

I feel stupid. ZZZ
(Yaya I stopped studying since 5pm D:) I'm going to die anyway so might as well post.

Continue from my previous point.

The money I spent on the doctor for meds and stuff is enough to buy me a Lx3. FML. Imagine how many things I can buy with that money. Why the hell do I even go for that uh? Out of my mind, really.
I should have took up like $10 or what and anyhow get a cream, slowly apply and take meds regularly.

hahaaaa I'm going to work after promos to earn my hols shopping moneh.
Dinner now and shall go read some gp notes for info. I don't want blank tmr. D:

As for chinese, well, I just think on the spot. Read through chou shi and nu che shui and it's plain B-O-R-I-N-G. I wonder am I meeting daniel later for vectors consultation? Hmmm.
If not I have to settle with the notes I photocopied from kai (luckily got that piece if not I will continue to be clueless about vectors)

After dinner I shall go to d's house and have a 2-hour intensive mugging session. Love that place. And the person yeap(:

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