by - October 10, 2010

Triple That Love
How any other day can be so special

Should I.. Spend this special day with you? Hais.
Hi all!
I guess it would be offically 10/10/10 when you're reading this yea?Well, it's pretty special. The good thing is today, 10/10/10 is my sister's birthday!
But cannot bring her out she's busy mugging for exams. She ain't that lazy like me :/

Maybe a mini celebration? well.

Anyways, Saturday was fun !

Woke up, late when meeting the girls D: Have to eat breakfast and find that stupid tickets D:
Met the girls - ape, fishball, mooncake and cow and went out to tampines. Then made our way to downtown east.

The first thing I did there was to visit watsons for contacts lens solution because they said can't wear contacts to swim?
Got tickets > Emicake > Got the awesome (but doesn't taste as nice as it's not rich enough already *sad face*) mini oreomisu? <-- don' know spell wrongly or not and thank god fishball got berry one. It's purchase with purchase.

Went in > Ate the cake > Changed and prepared > Out to play play play play.

The first one thing we did was to jump into the laze pool? or lazy pool? Got floats and tried to sit on it. Overturned 2 times fml. Water stuck in my ears lol.

Erm, I can't remember the sequence but here's the stuff we did.
1. the one where a lot of people can sit together in the float.. played for 4 times or slightly more.
2. Individual slides. The tunnel type one super dark. really 伸手不见五指 lol.
Cow stuck during the ride
3. Baby pool for slides and bucket 
4. sadists shooting water at people
5. The U-shaped thing. Ya I feel discouraged to suicide after that. Mad scary.
6. Wave pool - piggy back mooncake and cow. :D Upthrust is good! They felt so light okay.
7. That's all..? That's all? That's all I think.

Nothing much to play anyway.

Cleaned up. Stupid forgot to bring towel, shampoo and soap. Hahaaaa after cleaning up went back to tampiness.

Shopping :D:D:D
Every girl loves shopping. True ttm.

Show you my loots tmr (I just want to blog first cause I'll surely forget some details if I leave it till tmr)
Dinner was mee sua and one of the drinks aka gua cha tasted damn weird la.

The rest of the time is shopping, shopping and more shopping.
About 9+ went up to timezone had a round of time crisis.
Heeehe I died very soon after I started.

Oh ya forgot to mention, my lens have been irritating the shit outta me. Thought it's because of dirt or what but no... My lens tore. Favourite pair leh! T_T

Aftermath went to camwhore outside some herbal shop? Epic fail. D:

Got some stuff and went home. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Such trips are totally loved.
More more more?

Sentosa!Sentosa! SENTOSA!

Random thoughts running through my mind:
2. I need to check who texted me but handphone so farrrr away
4. fml tanner zzz
5. fml x2 hair like dead grass leh
6. I need to clear my table
7. I'm hungry I need dinner.. but's 12:18am
8. Damn tuition tmr
9. I want to go to jurong bird park and underwater world :D Date me. ^w^
10. Need to go shopping
11. But I'm broke
12. A new skin for blog and casing for iphone
13. Forget it, it can get super random if I continue on...


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