All I Need Now Is A Jab Of Endorphins
Some honey candies and a sweet boy like youDear baby, you would bring me to such place sometime, right?
Beautiful, yes.
Finally on computer. I seriously enjoy TV and sleep more than computer now. Been blogging through my phone for the past few days.(never miss a day y'know) Lots of typo but very hard to edit from the puny screen you know.
Slept super early - 11pm last night (y) awesome Imma doing it again tonight.
Anyways, the purpose of switching on the computer is - pw and video. :D
Post a little before that if not this blog will be so boring without pictures.
school today was fine. Fine everyday I guess. Finally able to control my hunger and bladder. Been running to toilet for around 10 times for the past few days? In between/after each lesson. LOL. Ya it's normal I guess? The doc said that's the only side effect of the meds.
Speaking of meds, my cough got so much better thanks mummy for getting meds for me last night.
And had supper after god-knows-how-long. xin zhou mee fen :D:D:D:D:D
I'm super careless during maths fa today, I hope it isn't tooooo bad. And, wrote a pretty inspiring compo (imo haha) hope it's not too bad as well! Anyway 12A almost got screwed during assembly today. Almost hahaaa.
Bus home with 15 12A's peepos.
913, 913E, 911. 3 buses at interchange. ^w^ The feeling when I got a bus right away, rocks. (random but I typed this out anyway cause I'm happy)
What else do you want to know, other than school stuff? It's getting a bit boring here, isn't it?
Maybe I will complete the 1000 questions yan asked me to do. 1k. sot girl. D:
Don't let the situation you're in affect you.
(L) x infinity playlist. Shall delete all those chinese songs.