by - September 29, 2010

I'm sleeping early, not because I'm hungry.
I'm too late to study. Zzzzzz

No strawberries boooo. Only prunes. Not bad not bad.
Supper is waiting, my favorite xin Zhou mee fen and rojak. I will surely eat if I continue to study. Iffff.

Damn my stomach is grumbling like no tomorrow again. Z
I better sleep. Also I'm too lazy to pull myself up from my comfy orange bed, move to kitchen, pick up a fork and stuff fats into my mouth.
Typing is killing me, I'm wish I was a stone so all I do is lay there and do nothing. Wooo sounds fun.

I think I'm on the verge of breaking down because I typed nonsense.

Btw nice skin? I hope the books would inspire me to mug.
Photo taking session tmr. /:

Crapstick. Fishball. Lol it's funny but I don't have the energy to laugh.
Nights zzzzz

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