What? Sorry But It Is All Categorized Under Fairytales
I don't know what I'm feeling right now. Hahahaa. Not happy not sad. Not angry not calm. It's a mixture of everything. I guess it's pretty normal at this time. Mid course is next week? Yes it's next week.
School. Nothing much. Laughed like a crazy woman while watching some super junior variety show with fishball. lool. Had phototaking session (CCA) today.
Finished at least one more chapter. Gonna start another later. D:
I just wasted 3 hours trying to add words into my eom (I KNOW I SUPER LATE LE BUT I JUST REALISED NOT ENOUGH WORDS) and edit wr. Mad shit so many sources to edit. ZZZZZZ I give up.
Anyway, I wore the lens I haven't touch in a while. The brown one and I think I'm going to get more brown lens! Super nice. I should stop opening new lens cause I've 3 pairs now and I only wear them during weekends, provided I'm going out. Toss them to the bin after 8 wears? Super wasted! And there's this particular expensive lens $38 fyi! and it's super uncomfortable. ZZ only wore twice. How?
Hahaaa that is crap.
I'm going to eat some fruits (idk what it is called but it's super sweet) I'm blessed cause everyday got different fruits. Btw, power nap will be my new love ^w^ Feel so refresh!
Guess what I used for the picture below? Not photoshop! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D more awesome thing.
Now when the music starts you will vow to spend the rest of your life with him ♥