by - October 10, 2010

Happy birthday nini !(:(:

Went tuition in the morning, fml really. Walk to cwp; miss 965
Trained to yishun; missed 965 again. Waited, pissed off. Walked 3 bus stop distance. At 2nd stop, 965 zoomed past again. Finally, reached. Damn I should wait for 965 in woodlands. Later + walk like mad.

Joel was very attentive today. Lesson was productive.

After which walked to Chong pang. As usual I lost my way. Really demoralise cause I always lost my way. Always always always. Called d for help but he's as goner as I am. _|_ ite he lost his way there too. Retarded.

All I did was walk straight. And suddenly got feeling so I turn right. And wth I really walked to chong pang. Went to shop around alone. Don't want to waste my time searching for the retard zzzz.

Stayed there for 2 hours and no loots. Food only. And I saw the braided hair band there, less glossy more real for 1.90. ARGGGGH. angry hahaha waste my money.

after that came back to woodlands, got a nice lady let me have her seat, idk why too. Maybe I look pregnant? Hahhaa!
I took it anyway I'm tired haha. Mj all the way back.

Shopped. Got clothes. You don't have to think when there is 70% off hehheee. Got some food for mini celebration for baby sister and went home. Pictures later :)

Out now for more shopping with bai ka. Then have to be home at 6 for tuition. Jiayou.

If ure interested to see pictures, go to my twitter now :)

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