by - October 06, 2010

Money keep disappearing fml x infinity.
Ya stupid shit I didn't spend it away.

I suspect my drawer eats cash because I would dump all my pocket money in there and go around with 2 bucks. No wtf I have less than when I keep inside my wallet. Seriously fml.

Stress ttm. I will be going to shop for windows -.- And it's not fun at all. ZZZ.
Need to find some way to curb this problem.

GARRRR I had my dinner at 10. After I woke up from my nap. 3 hours slipped away. And I'm starting revision on chem at what, 12am? Gl to me man. I need finish reading all my notes !
(Spent the past hour looking for all of them high and low and (y) my efforts paid off. Found all my lecture notes but most of them lan diao. Shall do something about it!)

2 more papers to go! WOOOOH.
And friday is bad. So shopping with tim (window kind ZZ) or www with girls? Anyhow I hope the catch-up session with dearests work out and I need to see tyx very soon if not I will die. ^w^
Love you!

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