I'm glad we talked, again
Yoooo I'm here.
Didn't run during PE (am glad). Walked 6 rounds with da girls. 12A virus. Lol.
Lessons was as usual except for Civics. Well, almost every civics lesson = nagging/lecture lesson.
Seriously, we might be a little overboard but we definitely meant no harm. Enough said.
Went for lunch at 1+. I swear after I graduate from IJC I'll probably suffer from gastric.
Really looking forward to new timetable next week.
A little bit more about school before I move on.
3 more weeks for so to block test. (the first test in JC2). Well, I'm trying to discipline myself a little bit more. Guess I need to start revision (ahem pray hard cross fingers etc).
The thing is, there's like 3 more chapters or so in Chemistry, physics wise is nearly done... and 2 more chapters for maths...... Worrying trend? Yes, especially when we have only 3 more weeks.
I'm sure we're able to complete physics in time but gasping the concepts is another matter.
My physics is like kns now. Haizxzzzz tell me how?
Finally a day to go home pretty early. Realised I didn't bring my keys (what's new) and phone (what's new again?) So I can't tweet, can't talk, can't text.
Went downstairs to do Maths.
Which you know, failed.
I sweating likea sow (terrible weather) and the wind is blowing like no tomorrow. Super sleepy but it's retarded to nap there right?!
Stuffed my stuff outside my haos and headed to cwp.
Did some shopping, present for m and tyxxxxxx :D They should really love me.
The thing I got for m is defected. Why so suay....? Not cheap at all. some freaking pin which cost like 17buxxx. $.$
I got a ring for myself too. Hahahhaa I'm never a ring person but I really like that one. There's a 'baby' on it! Super cute. Oh did I told you I've a thing for accessories with words?
I've disgusting amount of spelling/grammar errors in the previous post. Don't judge me!
Didn't run during PE (am glad). Walked 6 rounds with da girls. 12A virus. Lol.
Lessons was as usual except for Civics. Well, almost every civics lesson = nagging/lecture lesson.
Seriously, we might be a little overboard but we definitely meant no harm. Enough said.
Went for lunch at 1+. I swear after I graduate from IJC I'll probably suffer from gastric.
Really looking forward to new timetable next week.
A little bit more about school before I move on.
3 more weeks for so to block test. (the first test in JC2). Well, I'm trying to discipline myself a little bit more. Guess I need to start revision (ahem pray hard cross fingers etc).
The thing is, there's like 3 more chapters or so in Chemistry, physics wise is nearly done... and 2 more chapters for maths...... Worrying trend? Yes, especially when we have only 3 more weeks.
I'm sure we're able to complete physics in time but gasping the concepts is another matter.
My physics is like kns now. Haizxzzzz tell me how?
Finally a day to go home pretty early. Realised I didn't bring my keys (what's new) and phone (what's new again?) So I can't tweet, can't talk, can't text.
Went downstairs to do Maths.
Which you know, failed.
I sweating likea sow (terrible weather) and the wind is blowing like no tomorrow. Super sleepy but it's retarded to nap there right?!
Stuffed my stuff outside my haos and headed to cwp.
Did some shopping, present for m and tyxxxxxx :D They should really love me.
The thing I got for m is defected. Why so suay....? Not cheap at all. some freaking pin which cost like 17buxxx. $.$
I got a ring for myself too. Hahahhaa I'm never a ring person but I really like that one. There's a 'baby' on it! Super cute. Oh did I told you I've a thing for accessories with words?
Would love to have this! Like seriously!
Wanted to do a name necklace but it's helllllll expensive. $98 buxxxx for the one I like. HEHEEEEE IM POORDONKEY93.
I've disgusting amount of spelling/grammar errors in the previous post. Don't judge me!