I know, decent post. I'm here already.
School has been really......... normal. Had our first econs FA.
Can't finish writing. Seriously how they manage to write 1k essays in the 25 minutes? I.CAN.NEVER.DO.IT
Well, at least I wanna try.
I remembered how lousy my essays were for History. But over time I improved!
So if you set your mind in doing something, it will happen! (most of the time.... except for maybe digging to the core of the Earth).
Anyhow, been slacking for the wrong day. Cooked dinner.
I hardly cook. Cooking drains my energy.
My eyes are like half close while typing this! So appreciate people, APPRECIATE.
Dad is currently watching some Korean movie (which looks really interesting) but I can't watch. I'm only at da first paragraph of my econs essay.
15 more minutes to 12.
So should I: sleep now, do homework tomorrow (essay, case study, try carboxylic question 9, err corrections for question 2 and 3 in Maths, what else?!) Shoot me, like now.