What's left when all is gone

by - February 22, 2011

Yoooo. Been slacking a lot. I really need to buck up if not I will probably die.

Had PE today. Ran/walked in the rain. I'm back to the slug position, again.
I guess I really have to visit the doctor but timing is always off. Why school still end so late?!

(Though it's relatively better already).

I failed my run. Really can't take it. Stupid back.

Really wanna put in my best. Yet this is the best I can give, as of now.

Chem lecture after PE = rubbish.
I wasn't even listening. Blindly scribbling.Talked throughout with sm. Lool hai si ta le. -___-

Seriously, lecture after PE? Are you kidding me?

Anyhow, I spent 3 hours figuring out my phone. I can never understand why it is sooooo complicated.
You can do 10000014545 things to that little baby. A love-hate thing.

Haizxzz how I wish I know some iPhone pro and tada! everything will be solved.

Maybe I'll go read it up very soon. Self-dependence.

Have quite a bit of work to do -I must finish them!- if not I will most probably die of exhaustion due to snowball effect.

training tomorrow. Well.... Well.....
I've plans. >w<

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