Late is better than never

by - July 11, 2011

I wouldn't say the results didn't have an impact on me. It did, for a second. I stopped feeling sad over things pretty quickly nowadays. I guess time is really running up. Both for my studies and for my life?
That's what I feel constantly anyway. So it wouldn't help if I'm down. Why not cheer up and work harder? Hmm yeap that's what I plan to do.

Went to the library to do some work today. Finished only Maths. Daniel was there throughout to accompany the lonely soul~ He was busy playing cow vs alien game on iphone, 60+k high score. Mad man. I played many many many rounds before hitting a mere 14k. Not bad actually. I'm not someone good in games, no matter what type.. Okay maybe I'm pretty good in those detective/mystery solving games... when they make sense. xo

Those are my favourite too.

My photo of the day super cute right?! It is a birthday gift from one of my students. So sweet of her.

Alright, time to finish my econs. Maybe I'll try Physics again if I've time. I have jia hao yue yuan tonight and after which, 1 hour of HP. God I think I'm watching the last part next week or what. Which is pretty sad. Afterall, everyone would be done with it and I'm only catching it like.. next week. I can't remember most of the things so  I'm planning to rewatch them. But... I can never finish rewatching all the potters before Thurs. Impossible. Hope I will be going for a movie marathon with fishball mei (new name yo) this coming Sat, if possible.

Gonna stock up on snacks real soon. C:

Below is a chunk of words and if you spent 1 minute to read, perhaps you'd feel it is true too.

We boys don’t get butterflies, we get fireworks. We don’t have you on our mind 24/7, but we do have you on our hearts. Often, yes we wait for you to go online, sometimes simply even just being online makes our heart skip a beat, even if we don’t talk. Whenever you talk to us, our face forms that half-smile; it means we are happy but are trying our hardest to not show it, and fail at hiding it. We do miss you all the time; granted, we’d spend all our time with you if possible. We don’t think of the smallest things you say, we think of every word you say, panicking at every single word, trying to define what it really means, to read between the lines. But wait there’s more.
We would love you in a million ways. And once we start loving you there is no going back for us. No matter how hard we try we will always love a girl that has touched us. Us boys when in love will think of that girl first thing in the morning, and think of that girl last before we sleep at night. Whenever we see a couple, our thoughts immediately jump to that girl, and imagine that the couple was us. Every single detail about her is loved; the way she walks, talks, speaks. The sound of her voice. Her laughter. The sparkle in her eyes. Her shy smile. The way she dresses. That cute face she makes when she’s asleep. And the way she says our name that our hearts just explode with mirth, a simple act that no-one else can replicate.
A boy in love with a girl is no simple thing, though ladies stereotype us guys as simple. A man in love is not simple. No. He will be unpredictable. He will be persistent, stubborn, and given the circumstances, if it means carrying you from one side of the world to the other to win your heart, a man in love would. He will be a martyr, giving his all and asking for almost none. He will show you how to appreciate the beauty of the world in a thousand ways, and then he will tell you how much he appreciates your beauty in a million ways. 
A man in love is no simple thing.


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