I am home. I am tired. I guess I will blog now cause I've to finish a lot of work later T_T
Hmm let's see. I can't really remember what happen today. Just I screwed up my chem fa cause I didn't know 2/2=1? Hahaa. Lol.-_-
Got back Chinese compo and miraculously I still get a pretty good grade for my first attempt on qns 4.
Coughed a lot today too and I'm scared I would pass the virus to people. I must get well soon.
Anyway wen went home cause she's sick. Evil flu.
Last thing, I fell asleep in class. Pretty cool (y)
And three cheers to me cause I drank a lot of water today.
Ok it's 7 nao i shall sleep till 9.30 then wake up for dinner and homework. 10 for channel u and 11.30 for hi mysweetheart (y)
Sleep by 1 today