You'll Surrender Your Heart
Proper post in the middle of mce? I'm so gonna regret again for slacking for the passed 1 hour D:
Anyway, the above picture kinda remind me of the first chinese compo I wrote. Seriously I don't think that's really good, don't know why the teachers even decided to put it in the pile of good compos. My sentence structure epic fail there. Lol.
So today, hmm MATHS (-.-)
Literally (T_T) because the vectors and some other stupid questions. It's a if-you-study-this-paper-is-manageable thing and by having the double-t face you know how I did eh? people like zhao = clap clap cheer wooh-la-la? But yeap, I screwed up big time. I was taking my own sweet time. (cause I see only 13 questions ma!) and I failed to complete it. Let's pray for a B?
If the ones I attempted are correct, if not = gg. D:
Physics tmr fml. I seriously don't know shit about physics. Try my best !
Anyway, I think I'm going back to tuition after mce. Lame I know.
I am going back, after I clear chinese. And clear means A.
No more screwing this time okay?
Let's mug for another 2 hours? At least must read through all the notes! (provided I find them hahahaa!)
By the way today was an afternoon paper but I went school at 7.20am. Did some Maths for a good 1 hour+. Why so early, many asked.
Well, I'll be so freaking drained if I travel to school. I rather wake up early than travel to school on my own.
Scared to take the bus cause once miss the stop = gg, all the way to.. erm idk.. the other side of singapore?
And walking there when the freaking sun working at 101% efficiency is a big NO-NO as well.
So I guess I will be early again on thurs? I can keep lonely laobin company.
Slack for another 8 minutes before I take out revision package!
Last thing, for those using twitter especially, seriously I'm not interested to read about alllllll the retweets. Alright a few is fine (I do retweet some stuff sometimes) but wth spamming a good 10+ retweets (all the stupis love quotes, though I can't deny some are really good) every now and then is ZZZZZ. So hard to read the tweets the people I follow.
Get a tumblr!
Currently, two songs stuck in my head - Teenage dream (blame yue boooo put that song in her blog a few zillion years ago. Sorry I'm lagging D:) and the new song up in the playlist. Check that out when you have time yo! Just click the arrow on the left of the ipod and scroll all the way down! *PS I dont know there such a function until I saw yue doing it*