by - December 09, 2010

I hardly found a tumblr I like so much, gonna put a link right here,
It's like happy with lots of wedding shots.

Ya I pretty bored now, as you can see. If not I wouldn't have post at 2:30am. Cannot sleep again. Which isn't something strange. Rather than flipping and turning in bed, tumblring is better.
Had supper (so much of diet) and now I'll just finish this post before heading to bed. Gonna try you know.

Finally tumblr is working. hate how many times it was down. Luckily I'm still attached to blogger.
I reblogged a lot a lot of things. There's one reblog I wish to cover that's why.

This is what I usually do hahahaa. Wanna reblog something but don't wish a lot of people to see it so I will pile shits/other reblogs. Anyway you wouldnt be able to guess which post I'm trying to cover. hahahaa so forget it. :D

Goodnight earthlings. Can sleep or not? I'm not too sure. At least I've 933. Been listening to these few days in order to fall asleep. Hope by tmr wl is able to talk, and pray viber is working so I can chat with him at least when I can't sleep.

Hardly able to find someone to talk nowadays.

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