Are you tired of running, again and again?

by - October 06, 2011

Today, the school gave us a reality check. Congrats to those that did really well. ^^
Was pretty heartened to see myself there (despite being the last of the lot hahahah lol I will work harder).

I mean, at least I'm improving? According to the data, I made a leap of 30 rank points. Ya I know my prelim1......

Anyhow, no matter what happen, just keep going.
Perhaps you didn't do as well as you wanted to... but heck that this isn't the last last lap yup? You've 1 more chance baby girl! You know who you are??!!! I know you read my blog.
Okay I don't wish to spill too much but don't let them look down on you? Remember what you wanna show hem? REMEMBER? Score your As in A level and seal their mouth with that.

Okay pretty hard for you to relate who I'm talking about..... but just do it.

This goes out to all other muggers yeap!
(bias note below)

I'm really glad there are many 12A peeps scoring excellent grades. Keep on going! I hope that dream does come true! Tomorrow would be the last official school day.
I just want to say I'm really grateful to have a class like this. Yes, we did have conflicts but that cannot devalue how important you guys are to me. It's the whole of 2 freaking years together. Old friends, new friends, good friends, girlfriends, best friends. Awwww :3

I'm happy to have a bunch of mad entertaining people.
Well, I might have said things that hurt you or what.... I'm utterly sorry. Pack all the unhappiness; for I never take them to heart. I.. Parting is always THIS hard.
There are things I regretted doing/saying. I'm irrational like that. Ya, I will try to be a better.... girl wtf.

You awesome peeps deserve a whole post! Yes!!! I will do it! Later on... I need to work on the events/pictures........ (if I'm not lazy to do it. As in the pictures).....But so sad some things aren't suppose to see light. Never mind let me think about it.

Back to the mugging issue. Okay JL please mug. M-U-G C-H-I-O-N-G OKAY.

I think...... I would sacrifice the time to blog :(:(:(:( (AM I IRRITATING LOLOLLLLOOOL TROLLLLLLL)

Trolling is innate. Proven. Credits to the ninja.

I know all of you want me to do well hahahaha!
Well, I will hop back to my little corner (here) once every 2 days or so.
Just no daily updates.

Spare you from posts like "Hi, I read chem, did Maths and added information on poverty into my puny brain. I'm still living, don't worry. Xoxo. See you tomorrow with more updates on the work I did".

Quick, thank me. :D:D:D:D Okay I'm weird again.

All relationships are about understanding and compromising.
So don't abandon this little space alright!! ^^
I will blog all the interesting events that happened/going to happen or whatsoever after 29Nov. Wait for me sweethearts.

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