by - September 13, 2010

Your Assurance Is As Good As Not Saying Anything
 Outline your last words from now on.


School. Extremely early for it (Y) Pretty manageable just confused about hybridization. I think I returned everything to the lecturer after the study break. D:
Chinese got back mock test. First time scoring this grade (Y) x2. I shall put in 100% for all work from now on. The satisfaction is pretty heart-warming? Like your efforts paid off.
I guess my greatest achievement during that test is staying awake. Been REALLY hard to stay awake for 3 hours, twisting and turning my brain for answers. You have to know I'm a potato. My brain is literally not functioning most of the time and I'm hell slow. :(

Okay forget back the discussion on my brain D: PE. Golf. Again. Sun was burning me. Now I know how it feels like being a chicken baking in the oven.
And did lousily. 53 par? To get B for PE elective you've to get 38? Yaaaa. LOL. On a brighter side, I might hit a handicap of 24 and the next practice on wed would be so much easier. No PE on thurs :D Hmmm and archery as elective? Yes-no?

After school slacked in class before physics subject day. Finally no more mugging for FAs. Didn't bring revision package though so I'm basically trying to look like I'm paying attention. No book = minimum attention.

After all those blahblah stuff met Dan and went to library, studied for an hour or so. Mad tired so decided to go back home. And I'm hungry too.

Let's work hard today and finish all the stuff, moviez tmr! ^w^ I hope.

And Mooncake festival is next week, I want eat swensen's mooncake and snowskin mooncake. Never had them before. I only tried the most common ones. Maybe the more 'unique' ones are the agar agar kind? idk what shit but it's something like that. And maybe pandan? (I can't stop displaying my suaku-ness)

By the way, do you know where to buy those diary with lock and key type? Those super lan use to pian xiao hai one. Cause I lost my keys to a very important lock and I presumed any similar type of key can be used?
(since the lock is pretty lousy)

And no, hair pins don't work, don't ask me to pick the lock again. IT.DON'T. WORK.

Kesha is officially loved!
let's stalk yue now :D

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  1. just use a hammer to knock it open ?? lol...
