Random post #5

by - August 08, 2011

Every beginning is followed by an ending

Chilling beside the pool

Tell you a lot of hair fall liao. Siao one. I only combed once. 

So, went ahead to snap some locks off. Hopefully my hair wouldn't fall like mad after this.

Cut so much!!*heart pain* No longer 80cm worth of hair already hoohooooo.

From this....

To this.

But I feel so refreshed! Might consider going back to shoulder length. I feel more grown up like that (please don't ask me why)

Another super random picture...

TADA! Found this random friendship band in Bugis! Woooo brightest among the girls hehehe.


Went to school for NDP celebration today. Most not-high celebration ever. Love the video we warched in LT. So inspiring. Really sets me thinking. Gonna explore Singapore after Alevels, before everything fade with time. 

Did this for the NDP event thingy. Chioooo!
Look like rose petals right?! I know.. :D
So super colourful + not wasting food. Crazy. Use food to decorate. 
You know people in Africa are dying of hunger? Many many people.

Oh, went to Watsons today. (finally). Didn't get a lot of things... 

Heheee love the moisturiser (which cannot be seen here) and my favourite snack lying there.

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