by - March 10, 2008

heyhey pple !
i'm back from my camp
and i changed my blogskin.

lols. still got some part haven done yet

ps . it's knida emo but i dun care.
let me tell you abt the camp *drumroll*

i went to sch at 6.45am
drag drag then late.
nidda pay a 50cents fine . :X

we got ADI and TK as trainers.
well, at 1st was mervin and dunno who :x.
i'm so glad i have ADI and TK .

they are so damn great.
spent my camp happily.

ADI is so so funny.
TK is niceeee !
oh man. i miss them like shit can.

we bus-ed there.
ya, it's a long trip and mel they all teach us th cheers.

oh. i sat beside kai.

after crossing s'pore custom via 2nd link,
i went toilet with nice pearly waiting for me (:
den bus agn, a long trip too.
took some pic with kai and is like.. so fking qi guai.

reached le then walked through a 100yr old bridge
shakely, yes right.
hmm. cutting it short.
the toilet, it sucks can
shits outside the toilet hole, or whatever you calll it,
so many damn insects flying round.
pads, mud are all over.
flooding here and thr.
socks, shoes, panties. lmao
worse case, 3/4 and 3/1 are assigned to clean it.
'and ya right, i'm 3/4 peep : (

but i did nth except walking round.
thankyou those who cleaned the toilet .
hahahs. and..
3cheers to melody for digging the shit out.
of the stuck toilet bowl. ((:
you're brave man.
well, the only good thing about the toilet is..
for me to relieve myself as well as..
bathing tgt lo.
as inb sun bathing(it's open on top, mind you)
well, it's fun, for everybody to bath tgt.
hmm. almost all 3/4 girls laas.
not all
then th canteen.
it's super duper squeezeeeee can.
i wan die liao. cant even sit nicely lo.
hmm. the food was ok. loved the breakfast.
it's niceeee !
but lazy to go get more :X

hmm. then nxt is the tents.
i guess we're fortunate cus other tents are damn,
dirty and infested you see.
ours, still can still can.
slpt with pearly, yanjun, nat, meimei, mel and audrey.
haahs. hot at 1st budden so damn cold aft that lo.

1st night was bad. well, dun wna tok abt it le.
2nd nite talk abit with nat and pearly.
well, nat fell aslp quite soon.
and cant cont. talking cus trainers was here :X

den of cus, fall aslp soon.

the activities, hmm.
didn't play much.
'loop a loop' ; 'indiana jones' ; 'pass the msg' ; 'river' ; 'rock climbing'
loop a loop, just passin the hola hoop from a person to the other .

pass the msg is whispering the msg frm 1st person to the last.
didn't get it right becus we cant get the right tone.

indiana jones is to travel from an end to the other,
by the super shaky platform :X
haahhs .

river is playing in the slightly muddy water;
and walking up the stream.

rock climbing is climbing of rocks =.=
haahs. and i get to hold on to the nice nice shuai shuai trainer : )
he's cool you see.

ilove3/4 laas.
though we're not as great as 2/6 :X
pple here will be great leaders .

hmm. wad else wad else.
i love ADI and TK. for sure .!
and gog to miss them.

oh. bak in s'pore went eat canvana
with, rah, loke. jo and jian
den mac with rah and tok till 6+
home and slpt.with my contact lens on !!
zZZ nvr take dinner and watch tv till 1+ den slp XD
imiss my bed so.
after slping on the hard cold piece of rock for so longgggg.

hmm.wad else can i say?
tmr gog for movie with f8's girl and kai
except for tiffy i think.

andddd. finally i can tell DDX it's 9mth !!

oh before i goooooo.

tell me you're going too !!!! JJ coming to IMM garden plaza on 22mar
4 pm !!
i wan his autograph.
pei me pei me !!

tag me if you're :)

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