by - April 28, 2008

whn i start wishing upon a star.
sickening tiring day :(
all i could remember, 6sets of maths exams tests undone.
die le laaaaaaaaaaaa.
chinese exams on friday . :O must jiayou alrdys.
and the next time FRESH in my mind, i tio pangseh-ed, agn :(
he very bad laas, i WAITED leh, i WAIT allrights.
but he go 1st ZZZZZZZZZZ.
then what else what else? LOLS i'm starting to adore 'short-forms' alrdys.
blahblah (: oh, as you all can see, the new ad is up. rofl. some search engine. dunno good anot.
i shall try it ltr :D
no virus laas, i think :x
oh yea, tmr iss lao teck b'day ((: happy advanced birthday :D
hope you enjoy tmr allrights.
i'm gog for vacinnation cus of the xi an thingy after sch tmr. O.O
dunno can meet him anot leh cus after that maybe gog zoo be kiasu pple xD
for ice-creammmmmmmm. yumms*
thursday should be studying with pple in RP. lalas (: it's cool allrights.
note to zijian:
actually, hmm, you not really changed la.
it's just that I miss the oldold you ba.
the kind one, who is always always around.
who is crappy.
to share all the happiness and the memories..
lols. maybe it's not you who had changed, its me.
i don't know whether it's the stress i'm facing. or rather, i don't know what thing it is.
it's making me really tired, and sad.
i miss those times F`Eights spent tgt..
those were the happiest time i had.
suddenly i just lost the communication skills between you guys.
sometimes i finds it hard to even talk to kai.
we were like complete strangers, which walk past eachother like nobody's business.
sometimes i'm irritated by shimei (LOLS wthell, i shouldn't, i know)
this ain't supposed to be happening. i know i know. shimei is the best.
maybe it's just because of the distance ba. topics btwn us seems fewer and fewer nowadays.
sometimes i really forgot all the laughter we used to share,
those craps and childish actions which nobody will do. lols.
i really hope we can be better..
happy anyway . (: tiffy always come talk to me when on9. though only a few topics.
zijian helped me out when i need.
kaiyuan asked me go zoo. LOL. ((:
those simple actions of love, it's appreciated.
it makes me understand.. the importance of you guys.
the importance of friends.
i just wish.. we can call ourselves F`Eightx agn...

lastly, qian's always loved ;D

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