by - June 25, 2008

busy busy busy this whole week. :(
No matter what it takes. I know I'm giving a lot of things up for the trip, but I really wanna go!
1 free day shop in shanghai, how cool can that get??!! maybe not very :x

Called mom just now, and I told her about my plans.
She doesn't support it, though, because she's worried.
China isn't that safe now, or anyhow later, she's worried. OMG
But she still allows me to go, and I must really take good care of myself. good mom uh (:

Maths homework, is like omgoddddddd ! 2 maths ws for 1 day? no, is 2 days?! hahs, you MUST be joking. :x
So I'm going to hit the books all night long. (physically, i mean o.o)
Miss Ng changed her style already, a great change, prettier, I agree.

No CCA today, sadness. :( but at least I can come home earlier to com and work. Woots!
Had COE meeting, discussed and agreed and the rough plans already. I hope it work out that day.
Have to type in and email mr du the soft copy lo. Later Later =x

oh ya, great news people, I'M STILL IN MR DU'S CLASS! but sad kaiyuan's gone. :'((((
nvmind, stil hafa move on :D sat with lixing in chi class. She's cool.
We got along quite well, and I hope we will be better in the future <33
*jinwen sit behind me, OMG, die alrdy*
why he in this class lur, kinda shock you know, he doesn't look "nerd"

bye pple, I'm going to get busy with.. blogshopping (((:
HAHS, opened a 2nd spree 'wonderland' (totally random)
Hope the response will be good.
mailing supplier of PG mall later, hope can close the spree, i want my bag!!!

Opening more very very soon, with maple syrup first on the list xD

I might close my blog lo, because nobody's reading except me hahas(: no point opening... :D then can blog about more retarded stuff without fearing pple to laugh at my lameness.

Lastly, shimei's back, ya I know I know. Haven't really been catching up with her. Blah, I guess I'm tired already, rather be alone for the moment, with all the stupidest thing to trouble about.

And i got the 3rd assignment coming, want to give it up. GEEEEZ.

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