by - June 11, 2008

yesterday was 10june, and it mark the day when I met Alvin* Online (:
So things went this way...

-Woke up really early, went gym but can't find ahgong. Walked around like retard no.1 and got 2 strangers talked to me. Quickly siam then went home. Sms-ed with ahgong then went back to sleep. Woke up went yong hong called me, LOLS he's there with Jasmine really early. Watched hello kitty a while and hey! HELLO KITTY CAN TALK EVEN WITHOUT MOUTH OK (:
was amazed and I watched the whole show. Started changing and stuff at 10. blahblah, rush rush.

Reached there at 10.50am like that. Had breakfast, (treated by jiajun, I supposed he ought to return $$ to Jasmine), and talked a lot. Even with BANGDD ok (: was really happy lur, I miss all.
Heard a few updates on pple, and I glad they're doing fine.

Then about time I went bugis with Jasmine to meet Alvin. (: Hahs.
reached there and go stairs sit to stick plasters.
Stupid shoes killing me, making me feeling so terrible that I don't wna shop.
Drats, found 'fish spa' there : DDDDD and you know what? It cost 12bucks for half an hour!
SO CHEAP OMGOD (: Going with Jasmine next time round. ;D
Anna's shoes are getting uglier, don't buy them. Boyfriend Tees are damn cheap there, at 10bucks all over, online is more ex de lur (: then cardigan also.

blah after walking around and I really cannot tahan alrdy, went mac eat ice-cream.
nth much that day, really.
But when we reached MRT mr ALVIN gave me this:

"Hello! everybody(:, I'm CHEEZE ;D joining the food fam in Jielin* house on 10june.
I love the fatfat dog on the chair named TUNA(from raynee) because he will protect me from
the bloody cat named MAOMAO on the bed. WEETS"

today went had yogurt (: my mei drank ribenna yogurt,(as recommended by magazine) while I had apple yogurt. both nice but a little too sweet. We made it oursleves, after finishing
"it started with a kiss" x3
this is a great show I tell you. (: I love it very very much can! I even dreamt of it last night.
Oh I dreamt of the kungfu panda that panda too. It wants to kill me O.O
must watch it OK. I watch vol.2 part 1 online alrdy.
I need the DISC ! if not I will die watching eveything online de :x
But i can't wait already, waiting for my mei to come home so we can continue part 2 together.

Her drink (:

i love that show uber uber lots! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
all the best to all going NZ (: takecare must me NOT alright.

and to kaiyuan, must hao hao bao zhong! jie will miss you as much as I miss zijian.
No, it's more than I miss zijian (:

I want to love as what love is.
I want to love somebody, like he's my only. (:
Because he will be.


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