by - February 02, 2010

18% Love

Hello Monsters.
I'm back from school. Orientation has officially ended.
3rd day was the highest. :D
Finale was great. Great job taurus! (Although we didn't cliche the overall champion)

Today was the first day of lecture. Can cope can cope.
Took a long time queuing up for uniforms. (L) to riverside's.

Also, today held a mini celebration for shimei's seventeen.
Went for a mini shopping spree (spamming in JL because there's 20% on right now)

Bought the smallest but expensive cake for sm and sang birthday song near MRT station.
Finished the mini coconut + rasberry + chocolate cake.
Took pictures (Thanks to passers-by: peckyong :D)
Saw anderson people too, Talk a little and home.

Might be away for quite some time. How long I'm not sure.
But I try to be present when possible.
Tmr is CCA fair.
Innov8/NMA/SC (not possible I think)

*Don't eat fried rice in IJC. EXPENSIVEEEEE*

Dear friend, hope you enjoyed today's surprise.
Many others were unable to make it, due to one reason or another.
Nevertheless, seventeen girl!
All the way for it.
Work hard, we, friends, would be there to support you.

Happy birthday [L]

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