by - May 25, 2010

BIG -.-''
You don't even know me and you're telling me all this crap.
I'm blunt whatever, I don't like you, ya that's it.

You can't even speak proper English.
Stop pestering me
am happy with my lovely weiloke :D

I agreed with the answer given.
"It's like rearing bees for honey, you'll get sting one day."
and it's just wasting your time.

Fine, I'll take that as my answer for now.
I hate dying a little inside whenever I saw you liked something in facebook.
Because it isn't about me.



Gonna be so so busy during June! Massive GSS shopping spree. D:
I hope, I don't spend too much.
Going for lessons after PW meeting, Yup I've decided.

I'm gonna conquer physics now. Meeting J later on. (:

Here, would like to thank some people,
D for cheering me up and making me feel special
W for mental support
S for making me laugh
S,A,Y for lending me a shoulder to cry on and the time spent with me
A for listening
J for encouragement
P for listening to my how's and why's.
Z for talking to me through the night

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