by - August 10, 2010

They said time is love.
They said the closer you got, the more uncertain your love will be.
They said love will expire.

I hate taiwan dramas. Seriously. And you, this retard thinks you're the male lead in those dramas? -.- Please. Wake up.
Cheating in such shows have been glamorized. They seems to be sending a message to the audience and that is "IT'S OKAY TO CHEAT"
Look at fated to love you. Like shit please fated your head. Everyone cares about Chen Xin Yi but who really can understand how Anna feels? She's a good girlfriend and just because she's away for a while and the guy decided to give up years of relationship.

Look at Jiu Xiang Lai Zhe Ni. Similar, yes, no?

All cheaters should have karma, yes? I know you agree. 
What is cheating on your girlfriend? (for guys you can think about it yourself)
1. Texting other girls SECRETLY 
2. Going out with other girls SECRETLY
3. Doing something worse than the two above. 
4. Anything that would hurt the other party and it involves another party.
5. Missing/calling/loving(you should die) another girl

And many more.

Damn you -.- you totally failed cause she knows.
stop saying you feel your love is like taiwan dramas and brush her off as superb girlfriend but can't have her. Damn you.
Selfish jiu selfish.

and you're far less cute/handsome as compared to them eh?

Learn from the past, and then treat the next one better, ok girl?

Girl, I know you can. TYX AND CJL BEEN THROUGH IT. and we're okay. It's okay to have nobody to rely on. So let's make it TYX CJL YTE (or you want GG) clique. ^^ Kick peg out!
Funny thing is the four of us started happily attached at the beginning of 2010 and now, in a short span of 8 months, 3 were down. LOL. Jinx it must be.


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