by - November 15, 2010

The Feeling Of Love, So Simple So Sweet
And nothing else is needed to make you feel complete.


Today was fine. Woke up by zz call. Whole body ached like one piece of shit. Plus a swollen thumb.
Helped mum with laundry, basketful of clothes to settle. Then cleared up room cause it's super messy and dusty. Labeled everything nicely and packed them into boxes. After I've finished them all it's pretty late and peeps are going off, so didn't go bowling as planned. Haizxz.

So used rest of the spare time re-watching drama, which I will update about it again cause my show is starting. I'm sorta scared of school, don't know why too. Probably not used to normal lessons. But no choice.

However, no doubt I like school. Planned my schedule as well hmm I'm hell booked. I like. :D

and you can see, I answered all the questions on formspring. Even the ones I don't really feel like answering cause I don't have the right answers but hell yeah I answered them. Ask me any other things and please no nonsense alright iloveyoukthxgoodbye.


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