my, my .
cant you see how pretty it is ?
rollers . :X
i really love it le canns !
my blog mans !
hehehs. got alot of things happened .
briefly going through them . (( :
1st. valentine day wasnt as bad as i said .
my good friends x3 thankyou .
it's really nice of yous to do so .
2nd. my chi sure die liao lo . : (
sian laas ;D
nvr write complete one .
3rd. i nvr go retest today .
:XX die die lols.
hahahs see how ba
4th. acutally wna make Feights tee budden in th end nvr.
5th. tmr dunno got meet sarah anot.
cus not sure can get the skinnies for ma.
': ( ps haiis. sian .
i also cant contact dao mom lo.
dunno where she is now.
lter sarah angry : X
haiis .
6th. 1 wk+1day to end of exams x3
it's love .
jiayous me kkays.
&wadthe hell i haven load my pics from cny.
i think my com tio virus scared got prob lters .
and today.
i went maci-ing with my mei : )
spent around 10+.
ZZ waste my $$ only hahahas.
after that home den com.
change my blogskin. as you can see.
and some profile stuffs. xD
roars i go do my class things liaos.
3/4 is getting better each day .
maybe i shld just let go of th past and accepts the future.
x33 cheers to 3/4 : DDDD