by - April 14, 2008

and 4th time today :D;
i'm freaking sian, pia-ing my hwk in front of com :x, you can't blame me for this.
maybe i should start blogging about biology O.O jkjks. lala.

there's something i wna add in today's post.
today while i was in the bank doing fund transfer right, i seriously, forgotten about my password.
firstly it's not use for a damn long time and secondly, it's something i don't wanna remember.
luckily i can remember it after like.. 2 sec. i should change it if not i will forget it someday.
i will, i know i will, cause it doesn't matter anymore, hence it's not worth it to remember,anyway.
limited memory space* :XX hahahas ;D

and TO qianwen: how i know whether jinwen got on9 anot? :X you call him ask him on9 lo (:
and TO jinwen: lols, sarah's crazy about you :DDD hehehes, and ps i never take down your number, tell me next time allrights (: today i finally saw you LMAOs.
and TO hangwee: lols. ps was mapling so never reply you.

oh did i mention i went mapling? LOLS (: it's still sian, but my only entertainment right now.
how i wish i can find something more time consuming and less boring to do.
like reading pple's blogs. :X well, i read practically, everybody's blog :X hahahs ;D
maybe not YOURS :x just drop me your link if you want me to read hahahs.
must be interesting to sustain my interest.

let me name you who i read everytime.
1. zijian, sarah(hardly le, no update), YY, tiffy, kaiyuan, huilay, weiting, A.lting, O.liting(sometimes), shimei(when she on internet), A.sarah, simin, pearly, natalie(sometimes missed it :X), yanjun(but she hardly post), alvin(first on list), any riversidians :X like.. ermm. loads laas ;D
shan't specific laas ;S
contribute to the list please (:

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