by - April 18, 2008

:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD finally blogged right (:
i know you miss me, hehehes. let me begin my day :}

HL: didn't go for run today, didn't go for run (yays). stayed in hall for some videos and prize-giving. grats pearly, jazz& yanjun for getting top10, making 3/4 proud. though 3/8 emerged champs :D grats anyway.

PHYSICS: go through ws and TYS, sian, of cus.

MATHS: did emaths practice :X lala~

PE: did 2.4km with 3/6 and jielin rules allrights :D thanks to kai's encoragement (: really, if it wasn't him, i doubt i can make it back in 15.35 (: yay-ness all day long. and now i gonna practice my sit&reach laas ;D *stretch*

RECESS: didn't eat, had white grape aloe vera(: nice, but too sweet laas ;D

ENGLISH: wasn't paying attention, too engrossed in the things which were gog to happen and talking with CHICHI(s) :X

and today, 18april08: CHICHI offically adds a new member, 草痴or树痴 haven decide :X
but she's da jie da li xiao huan (: loves, she's nice.

-- cuts.
after sch chiong-ed home happily, and wthell, i didn't bring my keys out.!
sit outside my 'seems-to-fall-any-moment' door, yet it doesn't move a bit when i pulled :(
so i started flipping through my books, and went downstairs sit there, like a idiot : (((

when i'm halfway to cwp, saw mei (finally!) and went home quickly ((:
qian called and i told her the situation. :x bathe, dressed-up and gogogo, (:
prepared everything in half an hr, jielin's fast ! for the first time XD
oh btw, i'm wearing the F`Eight's shirt, and it's making my itch. :(

when in mrt station gog to board train de shihou heard somebody called out 'joel'
lols, turned and it's laoma with cutecute zijian (: lmaolmao, got fate laas ;D no doubt.
sad that they ain't coming :X nvm, er ren shi jie with qian dear.
hahahhas, so we trained tgt and they went off at admiralty.
reached there wait for a minute or so, qian came.

pei her take out $ and went sakae (: hahaha.
the place is like,, so damn BIG. so spacious. i can even lay down i think.
nice ambience, if any guys wna take their girlf. to sakae,
sunplazza de, i recommend, though the service not as gd as cwp.
start eating and eating and eating
FOOD to mention(:
1. chawanmushi- wasnt' as nice as expected; uncle de is nicest! it's filled with love.
2. salmon thingy(can se in pic)- was nice but a lot of bones and OILY!
3. some fried toufu- i told qian i dun EAT toufu, luckily she ordered one plate, and tell it, i seriously dun like it. ANTI-BEANS de ok! but i forced one down. :(
4. udon chawanmushi- how can they gimme 2 mushroom only :c sad diao.
5. some fried crabstick- nice when eat with mayo, qian's mad abt mayo :X

talking, talking and talking. about the past, again. we really missed it, no doubt.
took pictures and went off at around 5.30+
toilet-ed to vomit all those things out, jkjk ><

shop-ed around and home-d. pics for the day (:

home le, first thing, computerrrrrrrr (:
read an email from DDX, hahahs ;D funny, posted the pics here.
too bad you ain't chinese :X
then tiffy called me 'darling' lols (: gandongs.
mushy, yes, but was quite happy too : D i must be mad.

ok (: tmr gog to see chichi's run :X then go mac study or so with qian.
after that meeting jas, and hopefully, dearest vivian (:
and my teacher, hangwee. :X

this is what we had been craving for.

upside down food (: see the dirty plate is by qian :X

cute allright (: the metal thingy is too reflective;

hence it's not our fault to zilian

yummy! food (:

this salmon is nice

something you used to cook soup de, fried one like cracker

*recommended for snacking*

sarah's holding on to the phone,
so you can only see me.
serious right (: i'm choosing food, i think.

eat this,(: niceeeeeeeee xD

a prove to our er ren shi jie .

the craves.

stop looking, i know i look hilarious.

food agn!

this is what i saw when reading DDX mail. enjoy!

funny allrights ! (: hahahs ;D takecares loves.

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