by - April 04, 2008

JIELIN feels EMO&SAD today : (

because, things are BAD today.
today started with briefing on mass run (to replace HL)
then a video abt loving the environment;
then presentation blahblah`
after that we went back to the class ;D had physics lesson, as usual .. :x
then was 'free period'-maths. did some maths @.@ and i'm getting better at it.
well, not VERY but improved(:

then was PE. did training for 5stations, which made my legs damn wobby, luanluan*
cant even stand or sit properly laas.
like an old lady with joint problems. : (
recess had rice, which made me damn full :O
and a few sips of oreo chocolate ice blended(nice) from kaiyuan.

hmm. then went back for english,
well, i went to toilet with pearly,
spent a long time thr :x hahahs.
bak thr started doing eng, with BHB huan (: hahas.
she damn funny laas.
tmr gog run with her, heheh as well as ai chi and hei chi.

maybe others :x

after sch waited for ruixian and ate the power-boosting chocolate form cutecute nat :D
very gandong allrights, she damn nice.
but sad that i didnt do well :c

walked to IJC and prepared, blahblah.
started running and i DEPROVED !
sad laas x100000000000000000.

i let you down, let myself down, let 3/4 down, let every single one who wishes me good luck down. i'm ashamed as well as dissappointed, for my lousy determination and my stupid attitude towards life. i regretted; but what's the point? there's nothing i can do now, all i can do is to wish the other runners of our class to do better, pull up 3/4. but it's difficult.
the result is really a shame to me, dissapointment i brought upon myself,
i cant stop blaming on myself though i know it already past. i regretted why i didn't push myself more and ocntinue to go forward... i'm sorry, is all i know how to say...
that's why after the run i'm so ermm,, emo?
maybe i didn't realise i showed it out.. but i dun meant to.
hahahs ;DDDD but i guess things are allright now.

and the next time which makes me worry too is my dearest yanjun.
she sprained her ankle yet i cant do anything to reduce the pain.
she's brave, strong and really, i admire her.
she has the determination i'm seriously lacking of.
i shall start learning from her :x
i hope she's allright,
because when i see her cry, it's like terrible pain in my heart.
i hold back my tears, and yes, i did it.
i aint crying out even though it hurts.
i'm strong because yanjun is.
i dun wna make things worse. just that, hope she's relaly ok...

haiis. cut all the shits and everything.
after the run i had a great time with the NP friends;
as well as some others (:
it's great, really.
around 6+ went civil mac had apple pie, then home-d.
legs are killing me, though i wanted to take cab,,,
but nobody wna take with me.
well, i can take alone, but haiis, better nt miss the fun.
: DDDDDDD and no regrets for this.

home, bathed, skip dinner.
no appetite. :/ sadness overwhelmed me.
and i got some nasty surprises.
all i can say is..

what do you see love as.?

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