by - May 09, 2008

dammit #no.1: i can't transfer my freaking pictureeeeees in! because my printer's plug got some problem. :( gonna get my dad to fix it or something.

dammit #no.2: we didn't went slacking today, :( sian rights, nvr go celebrate.

dammit #no.3: i'm just too lazy to get my fizzy hair cut nor go for the manicure. maybe tomorrow will be nice. :x

dammit #no.4: i watched 'archmed'. LOLS. zijian asked me to and i can't believe i really went youtube and search for it. it's like a totally "ZIJIAN NO.2 thing" maybe you should go and try it. a link for you,

dammit #no.5: i keep DC-ing for no good reason! so sickening ok, hence never sign in msn le.

dammit #no.6: i don't know why i feel so 'dammit' hahahs ;D

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