by - May 13, 2008

LOLS, been wondering HOW to start my post tonight, and i decide to start with..

thr's SOMEBODY who actually came into my blog via google search 'BLACK-FRAME SPECTS' lols! WHY MUST IT BE THE STUPID BLACK FRAMED SPECTS?! :( i shall have it REMOVED!
anyway i gotten it alrdys (:

haven't been BLOGGING, you can see, and my views dropped ;(
haiis, nvmind, i got millions of things to say, within this short period of time so many things happened ;x
both happy and sad, but nvmind, i overcomed it alrdys.
i'm trying to recall.


WOOTS ! finally went for a manicure session. LOLS :x

had dead skin removed and nails painted pretty pink !

1 session, i think it's around 10bucks? O.O (cut nails, remove dead skin and nail paint in desired color)

O.P.I nail polish cost 5bucks more, because O.P.I. rocks ! it's good, you see.

PS don't use lousy&cheap nail polish, it will not do you any good.

soak hands.. 5bucks. facial, spa available too !

fake nails from $3 onwards (didn't get that lur)

LOLS, i went for through the trimming of nails, removing dead skin, nail painting & soaking.

i think my manicurist is not those 'experienced' one, cause my skin around the nails HURTS. esp when i type ! stupid. she don't even know how to do french manicure and my nails are unevenly painted :( somemore the thumb de nail polish dropped off in less than 1 hr lur -.-

luckily i went for it because thr's a free trail, hahas ;D wanted to become member de,

but let's wait till she's experienced enough, btw, she's CHIO lur. (:

trying the sunplazza one soon :x

ilovemynailCOLOR :D


it's mother's' day! lols, made a card for 4th aunt and mum(by my sis) + a cake bought ytd before manicure.

the cake alrdy SOOOOO small than the uncle put 1 big big flower thr,(as seen in pic)

somemore just PUT thr de, LOL

the cake we bought. NO CHOCOLATE :(

because my 3rd aunt don't like haha. ;D

-120508-BAD DAY :(

had my eyes checked today, guess what. a great jump in degree. :(

yes, due to overusing of com. :( that uncle say must rest more, don't use too much com, because..

i'm diagnosed(right word?O.O) with slight lazy eye.

i can't SEE with my freaking right eye.. even when wearing spects also cann't see properly.

WTHELL,? how would you feel when you're told this? well, for me, i had slight mental breakdwn.

was emoish that day, but he say can recover de.

i'm reducing the time i spent on com and rest moreeeeee.

plus, i'm wearing spects in sch : yaya, laugh as you like, i'm sad alrdys.

hope the medicine will help a bit too,

going back for another eye check 3 months later, and i hope it works...

anyway, that day i went to m'sia. you know i bought soya bean milk&beancurd back :x

it's really cheap ok. taste like mr bean de. lols. the korkor thr only ask me pay for 5 of that but he gave me 6. LOLS :x he is either blur or really nice :D

it's in plastic bag, i know i know.

i ate 2third of it and thn it's in the fridge .

i still, don't like beancurd. :3

-130508:D- super FUN lur.!

lols, i thought we would cancel this trip, AGN. but never leh! :D

after all the discussing, went bishan park with mei,qian,kai(: weeeee~

pretty cool, minus all the walking. this is what happen.

met up with mei in cwp at 12.20 liddat, which is supposed to be 12.

WHY? rofl because i'm busy packing onions & my skateboard !

LMAO. -,-

cause i nidda bring the luagage to my 4th aunt hse, and it looked like skateboard.. so.. (:

it's name skateboard. xD onions, of cus, in my bag, i wldnt show it around.

after waiting for kai, we board the train to amk. had lunch in 'sumo house'

walking thr de shi hou reminded me of the time i went thr with vin (:

lols, hahas ;p was kinda glad i remembered, (i'm not STM)

hmm, thr had dunno what thing, which cost 3.90$, nice? can considering the price.

saw renfred thr thn i was like " 那个人很像renfred" and kaiyuan said "本来就是"

haha ;D he's not wearing cast anymore! and i never wear spects nor contacts ma.. :x

eat alrdys went back to amk hub toilet.

mei&qian went another toilet while me&kai went the interchange toilet.

it's damn empty and clean lurh!

came out and can't find kaiyuan(as you see, i have poor vision)

thought he pangseh me thn dunno go whr find the girls,

walk around like retard. O.O and kai always suddenly appear out of no where de ma.

&he did! hahas ;DDDD

went up to find qian&mei and after everything's done, bus-ed [169] to my aunt's hse 1st.

alighted at the wrong stop, thn ask around andd got 1 kind uncle offered his help lur.

thn walk to my aunt hse thr and the peeps waited downstairs while i went up to passed her the things.

had a short chat with her, and after getting things, off to distination, BISHAN PARK (:

lols, i went mad with kai at 1st, retarded, went running towards the playground via route

(scared that i stepped on shit :X)

the swing was removed! damn you! my childhood memories :(

played at the see-saw instead and kai said got 1 ant crawling on my hair. YEWKS!

wanted to rent bike de, so went walking towards the pond...

in the endddddd.. wrong way :(

so nidda walk to the other end. haiis.

cam whored around and mei&kai bladed off.

poor qian&I, hafda walk. you know how far we walked??!!!

more than 1km, at least lur! how much fars burned? idk o.o

finally reach PARKll and tada~!

saw another playground...!

weeeeeeets! got swing de lur. while mei&kai was changing to slippers,

qian&i went to play 1st. (((((: swing-ed. muahhahas. iloveswings..

lovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelove (:

thn they came to join us and we played ;DDDDD cam whored too ((: all those retarded pictures!

mei got her hands sandy(the floor is all sand) and wanted to wash it.

you know, she's a clean freak + anti-ants

when gog off to the rent bike de place, she used her blades and try to kill those ants! LOLS.

that's her.. :D

walk 1 big round and found out that.. the bike thingy was closed! :(

so i bladed with mei's de. :D

LOLS, it's uber funnnnnn i try you(:

i shall learn roller blading~~~

got 1 pro thr thn a bit paiseh.

fell 3 times! :(( but luckily got they all if not sure more than that de .!

hahahs ;D i can stand up on my own when fall (:

so when gog to the nearest bus-stop, kai&mei pulled me thr .:D


today i found out something, blades can easily walk on grass :x

long post? read thoroughly (: it's cool 3 days. or 4.
*updating pics&video tmr*

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