by - May 28, 2008

I'm facing a crisis, right now. My computer screen just turned yellow.
I've already screen-shot it, I hope you can see it :x (because it appears yellow to me)
get me a computer, please. Just the screen will do. :( it's damn yellowish and it's affecting me.

dammit, :( there's a lot of things for me to worry about these days, a lot of things to get me down.
But I'm not going to let it get me, anyhow.

ytd after all those long hours of extra lessons, Loke, Kai and I went amk.
walked around and ate. FISH&CHIPS for me (:
thn blahblah- (don't wanna talk about it)
was kinda fun, but you know, going out with them LOLS
i prefer shopping ALONE. they're slow, thn got so many things to look at.. haiis.

after that realised I didn't bring key. So went to find mom at her workplace for that bunch of keys.
Walked around in the mall nearby and bought a lot of things. Offically, I'm broke.
I bought an A5 size mirror ( was planning to find an A4 one instead)
But that's the biggest I can find lur.
haiis, nvmind, it's really cool, BLACK&WHITE SKULLS :x
gonna decorate it, haven't thought of how yet :x

home and cooked porridge. (: it's nicest thing on Earth ok :D minus away the egg I used to prepare for dinner.

-it's been one long day since she's gone. I guess, I'm really dependent on her.
Nobody to fan early in the morn, nobody to test my 'experiments'
Nobody to play 'speed' with, nobody to do the chores at home :X
Haiis. Even Jie also say the house seems emptier without her around.
well, 6 more days to go (: Now I've just realised I hardly use 'Haiis', and there's LOADS of (: around. Isn't it GREAT? :D

Today, nightmare, again. I don't know WHY I'm have nightmares almost everyday. Not a few days ago I dreamt of shuai ge :x But it doesn't make sense to me. I didn't went for scary movies these days. Haiis, That's when I really miss her and wish that she's around, so that I can crawl into her blanket and sleep with her.
Today one's really scary. I saw all those fleshless pple walking around the town. The abandon hospital-- is where I lived. I saw qian, liting, shimei and some other pple. We were doing PFT. (which totally doesn't make any sense, how can one do PFT in hospital?)
qian was studying (o.o) with liting and both of them can't seems to see me. No matter how I jumped about outside the room, they can't see. :( shimei was busying practicing with her jump, and she don't even bother about me. AND i'm running away from all the faceless, fleshless people who tried to dig my flesh out to cover their pearly white skeleton. I even hid under some wooden board and I smelt digusting. I guess that's where they store flesh :X

nothing great happened after that. qian didn't wait. and i'm really sad. cus I thought he would tell her. But he didn't. I thought I could talk to her, at least it would cheer me up, a little. I thought joel would bring the hist bk, but he didn't. It all contributes to my foul mood now. forget it. I don't really care. I hoped.

I just wna meet up qian and crap with her soon. <3
I just wna get a job and keep myself occupied.
I just wna my computer to function normally agn, (yellow screen go away!)
I just wna my mei to be back soon, with all the presents and then we can start planning how to spend our holidays.

Well, though I hardly show it, I really care for her. She's still young, and there's a lot of things she've never see before. I wna spend my time with her, to take here around. I can spend on her without much thinking, but I can't, on myself. Because, she my sister. :D though we never really expressed it out, or rather, I, I do love her. It's more than anything else...
It's just the way how we cuddle to sleep.
How we laughed about our stupidity in the past.
How we hold on to each other outside...
Regarding this, I know I'm sec3 already, and she's sec 1, but we do go out hand in hand :D
I don't care how pple look at us, We always went out like this. :D It's just a natural reaction.
To hold her, fearing she would run out to the road blahblah.
That's when you know, You really love your sister. I do. :D

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