by - May 16, 2008

LOLS. back. let me just complain about ytd lur.

wore heels to tuition. because i was trying to "practice" :x
so long nvr wear it alrdys, so must try try before go shop in it ma.
and damn it to million pieces!
it cuts me like shit laas :( nvr was like this. used to be comfy de lur. (although will pain when walk in it for too long) but i only walk in it for a freaking short 15minutes.
gotten 3 cuts on my right foot and 1 on my left!

and it's still hurting when i'm wearing my most comfy shoes lur! STUPID. -.-
ytd isaac nvr come thn was really boring. nvr bring book.. not paying attention.
that explains my lousy results.
i'm going for a change. ((: in 2 days. let me enjoy my childish 14 ba ! :D

ok back to th point. waited for 911 for damn damn long ok.
th bus-stop wna squeeze dao full alrdy the freaking bus nvr come.
plus my feet is hurting so much that i diao everybody thr (i know not their fault)
it's a UNCLE's FAULT.

i'm alrdy in pain and he so retard occupy the whole seat.
then i nidda stand and tolerate the pain inflicted on my skin :(
i'm about to phone anybody to cab down here and fetch me home.
cause it's super uber painful laas :(
bad heels.. by the way i noticed the heels of the heels kinda spoil alrdy. sad lur :(
cause i love every pairs of my shoes, no matter how deep they cut me... (sounds emo :x)

luckily the bus came before i phone anybody.
bus-ed home BUT! still nidda walk a distance lur ! :(
it hurt sooooo-soooooo much that i can literally scold fuck with every step i took.
didn't count how many vulgarities i spoke that day.
reached home and immediately dump them back into the smelly shoebox.
i don't even wna clean them alrdys.

after that, i plastered my feet. now, it's ok alrdy. :D

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