by - June 02, 2008

:D I'm back from my couz' hse. Damn, haven't been blogging for VERY VERY long. :x
ok. All I can remember is I've been slacking in her hse, with her. :D Time was spent quite meaninglessly. :x
But I did some studying too, 'san zi jing' If you don't know what it is then it's alright ;D

Other than 'studying', I was audi-ing and mapl-ing. (you can't blame me cause all she has was that)
And it was great too, I haven't been audi-ing for MILLIONS of years already. In maple saw Kai ;D played together for a while and then I gtg. :(

Haha, I doubt I will play maple or audi now lur. Freakingly sian. I rather surf the net and go tag every single soul. ;D

What was great during the stay? I had good food. YUMMY!
Went to eat seafood, although I'm allegry to it. But it was super nice! Esp the cake at the end of the course. (: spent around 400+bucks, GOT 15 PPLE OK (: so it's still consider so-so.

Had a really norishing soup for lunch too, taste nice (: plus it's good for health.
And some other food, which I can't really remember.

Ton that few nights, today is super tired.! Played and watched TV till late. Cannot tahan whole night never sleep.

sorry pple, for those who sms-ed me and I didn't reply.. :
-Thierry. (did I spell you name wrongly?)
-Junfeng (and sorry for ps-ing you today :x I'm really tired ok)
-And some other which I can't really remember now...
My sms is 'tight' wait for few more days :DDDDDD

BLAH. tomorrow meimei's BACK in action (: gog breakfast with her (: HEHE :p

Then I'll be meeting qianqian soon. <3>
Lastly, hope Joel get well soon (: haa, actually wna LOL him de ;D but I ain't that bad. Will get your wheelchair.
Takecare, Lim ZiZi :D remember my prezi! I'll miss you if you promise to get me SOMETHING (:


Counting down to 10june :D Y
I'm happy because it's DDX&XLS 1 longlong year!
Though I'm busy with my own things, Hardly sms you, msn you blahblah
or calling you already, BUT I do remember you !
Been waiting for so long and tada, our 1st year is coming.
Hahs. it's been REALLY long since we meet out :x
BUT REMEMBER 10JUNE ((: I'll try my very best.

lastly, LOVE YOU,DDX (: -
1 year coming, and still going ;D

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