I'm lazy.
oh my god. I have 5minutes to do speed blogging (:
So, some random pictures kop-ed from pearly's blog D:
(And I had a hard time laughing at them hahs (:)
and here's ronghui, that fussy guy. :x
"Great minds think alike, I suppose :D"
Retard number2.
ronghui, I tried hard not to laugh :D
Thought that's the end of retarded actions?
here's retarded number 3
I did mention NK very zilian right D:
And up next is my 1st experience.
Sunrise omg.
Sunrise omg.
Sequence not in order though. D:
Speed blogging done! Well, I mean it's here to entertain you pple :D
Upload more pictures then I kop from you kkays ((:
More pictures can be viewed at pearly's blog (and the link is blocked here so..)
www.shortsweetsimplicity.blogspot.com (:
I hope I spelt it correctly :D
& one more thing, mpig, you sucks :O
hahs, random again.
Sms-ed with him then like wth. D: Very zikua. BHB kid.
He's just a kidney. (:
He very fan ren can. Who want kena fan tell me, you should know him hahas.
Bean shaped animal.
Alway bully me.
-I really don't know what to do already.
Well, sit back. relax, and forget?
I don't know, really don't know :(
omg, forget it.
Random, you see :D