by - November 17, 2008

Humans Are Biased Animals, That Explains Why Our Heart Grew Towards The Left Side.

Keeping my cool, I wouldn't let this affect me anymore,

Nothing sucks more than a bad night sleep,
Slept around 3 last night, waking up around 7,
Plus "da yi ma" decided to visit me this month ._.

Nephew came over to stay, and that also means I've to squeezeeeee :(

Nothing sounds more disastrous than this right,
福无双至, 祸不单行 :D
(like finally have the chance to use this [:)
Quarrelled with mom ytd, shall skipped the contents, as you wouldn't believe that's what she told me. Fuck it, spoil my mood again,

I'm so stressed up, I want kokhui right now :(:(:(:(
But he's off to tuition, futhermore intensive one ok!
from afternoon to night, siao liao.

Might be spending less time online alrdy, gonna do some work, (to prevent getting scolded ltr by tutor :x)

one more thing, pet society's coooool :D
At least I'm lagging like shit and I go change dk what things then ok le!(:
hahs, I want earn loads of monehhhh and doll my room&benbenx3 up. (stupid name I know, I can't think of any at that moment)
I created a cat! :D though I wanted a rabbit too (Cat for kohkokhui) hahas!

And just now had been flipping through sis's jap book,
and disc :x
what's that again, ermmermm .
Gosh, forgot, damn difficult to remember, :O
I know :D

Watashi = I
Anata = You
hehs, meimei learning too, so I should learn some to communicate XD

japs freaks , :x
(though I don't have much interest in it)


will upload my benbenx3 soon

kkh is missed ,
aiya aiya! cramps :(
numb-ness only la hahas ,

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