Heated Conversation, Don't Want To Continue Anymore ♥Spare me from the torture of breaking up,
School's fine, everything's fine, food's fine, CCA's fine, mood not fine.
Physics lessons are loved (: Today was great too.
Maths too, have a good teacher you know you know.
English was spent doing 50mcq?
Didn't do do well, but wasn't that bad.
I can't believe we're aiming for champs,
We've got a new teacher, from admiralty sec one lor.
He's great, Greatly inspired by him.
If I were borned 1 year later :x
Then I will have the opportunity to maybe, win?
Or into finals (:
Cheers for RS.
:D:D I've so much more confident.
He's OUR hope x3
saw jun meimei friend in robotics lols!
She's helping out too,
And from today onwards, CCA will be mark&go (:
How shiok.
:D I guessed you'll realised something unhappy happened.
Title and stuff, get a hint?
Full stop, blog no longer a safe place to complain and "cry"