by - April 25, 2009

A Little More Earth-Conscious

Supposed to be an Earthday post, with cute little Earth's picture drawn during free time, but didn't bring out my cable(in library now) :D

And there's this secondary school girl who look freaking primary school diao pple, ZZ

So, after browsing the net, for some case-studying, will like to do some sharing.

Firstly, everybody knows about globalwarming, greenhouses gases.
And I believe today, everybody feels it too----- the intensify heat.

This is due to a lot of reasons, mostly human's selfish reasons.
I don't want our beatiful home to be destoryed like that, but I'm not enough to change anything.

I didn't know, by leaving fully charged handphone connected to a live socket will use up enough energy to power one hour of tv.

See, just a simple action saves so much.

There's hope, f everybody co-operate, and take those little actions that counts.

I hate this. Being unable to do anything at all for my home.
Sometimes, I can't even nudge myself not to on the air-conditioner, so how can I even convince another.

Perhaps I should join some green club or so,

And I hate inconsiderate people and assholes.

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