by - July 22, 2010

Gone Like Yesterday's Sun
update: wth this week sucks. Fever le now got allergy! And I didn't eat any seafood today lol -.- Itchy and red like mad nao.

Hello blogger. ^^ Rained in the morning. Been a while since it rained in the morning. Bought an iron to sch (cause Aisyah needs it). LOL mad heavy. Assembled in hall.
Chem lecture > PE which is watching movie in SR3. LOL And first time in my life I went to cue sports corner! LOL I didn't know there's sucha place I'm serious. -____- Been coping in M1-5 too much. > Break, ate burger! > Physics lecture and I totally don't get the zero with a slash thing lol. > Econs tutorial, quite slack > Lunch had burger + double chocolate oreo (^^)Y > Assembly wanted to sneak out but decided not, stayed, crapped with sm, xb and zz and did chinese work. > Maths tutorial > Chinese last chapt > break, had dan's burger o.o > Maths FA stupid me so much careless. First time I know how to do everything. Except binomial D: So many careless I wonder will I get A or not, or pass haizzzzz.

After FA waited for iron to cool down then went ntuc to find ingredients. failed, bought ice-cream oreo. (there's really such thing okay). Went popular for a book search and home.
Met J downstairs and he passed me durian puffs he made as well as essence of chicken . LOL tyvm.
Darling's angry cause I promise to meet her but always cmi. Sorry babe! Friday night I promise. Really!

Played zoo city or whatever shit in fb, lol. hahhaaaa tmr will be a fun day, after econs FA.
Mr ong don't let me use mai cute pink ribbon liaooooooo (TnT) Life's not fair........~
Haaaaaa! My title so true right! Even the best things will be over. I considered sun as one of the best things in life (just hate the UV rays). Sunshine, love and rain. ^^ Nice.

And maximum sian cause:
1. Econs FA
2. Too much to study
3. Ate too much
4. Too poor
5. Nobody to talk to nao
6. Shag and tired
7. Me don't like you ^w^

On this day of your life, Jie Lin, we believe God wants you to know ... that God is there for you to hold on.
Message from God
Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what you must do, even if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your faith, even if it's easier to let go. Hold on to God's hand.
Me like this. Every single line seems to encourage me on something, school, life, family and friends, work as well as love. ^^ good good.

Just hang on a little bit more, it will be over soon. ^^

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