by - July 21, 2010

Yet I Have No Courage To Face It
I thought I lost that thing you gave me. Anxious cause you matter, it's you that matters, you know? At times it hurts. Sorry but I love you.

MT ORALZ TODAY. Maybw 1 or 2 wrong lol -.- Nvm la. Hahaa. Lots of homework to rush out by tonight. Jiayou. Blog later me going to nap nao ^^

oh ya, did something on fb. they calculated that I'll get married on 11/7/2020. LOL. exactly 10 years later. 27.. I don't like. So old already. But if it's true, I'll have a later romance I guess. Most probably cause of school and work ba. And 11/7 LOL. That day this year I'm feeling really bad. idk why. and that's the day I planted hope too. Conclusion? Eventful day.

Today almost late for school LOL. Eyes can't open today, can't get the lens in :c Spot check today. LOL I was caught. Practically almost everyone was.. I literally LOL when wl was caught for facial hair. His eyebrows too glaring uh? :D

After that had physics > break ate >chinese, blahblah >GP was enjoyable as always. Love Mr SeeTho. ^^ Dismissed early >ate tom yam. First time eating with zhaozhao lol. HAHAAAAAA Confirm more next time. C: > LC, answers collated by yl is: ABCDCAACCD lol. fml I wanted to choose D de fml. -.- Hope there's nothing wrong other than that! > Hand in chi stuff > Walked to cwp with sm and yl. > went bank and finally adding something to mai skinny account D: > Saw ky run like hell to catch up > Went to have red bean pancake > Home. > Watched tv > Sleep > Do econs!

So now I'm still doing econs. Slept too much. Supposed to sleep for 1 hour and end up 2! But better than ytd :D Yeap, blog again, tmr FA and what? Prepare for friday's FA. lol.
I'm destined to be a failure in love cause cupid hates me. That's why I'm always losing something call happiness. However he's a dream I never stop. 
Why do I always have to end up like this..

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