by - July 06, 2010

 如果当初在交会时能忍住激动的灵魂,也许今夜我不会让自己在思念里沉沦 {}
will I say this next time if....
I can't do this. How can I? I hate helping people to make decisions. Tearing hearts ain't what I'm good at. I shan't say anything. Do what you want. After all, I've said, we're young once. So, should I?
God bless. 
I should. But I lost my way in the process. More often than not we prioritize one and forgot about all others. Forget love? I wonder if I would say the same thing if it was you instead.

Okok! Fast fast post! Need to study for tmr A LEVEL! Omg it's like a so small deal - as compared to O levels idk why. o____o JIELINZ WANT A FOR ALEVEL MT :D

MsGoh's pregnant. Grats :D:D And that means different Chem tutor next year........ :(
Heard MsYow is too..... some kinda trend ahahaa!

Yesterday was pretty eventful. Wanted to cook for WeiLoke but dropped the idea when I know Joel is coming (Lazy to prepare so much haaha!) It's a privilege to have these 2 guys waiting for you :D I wasn't reallllllyyyyy late! A bit only.

Went to civics had Mac. LOL I totally forgot how to order Mac alrdy. And I forgot there's sucha thing call 'McValue Lunch' -______- ''' Well, doublecheese burger w/o prickles-ed and I can't finished the fries. In fact I didn't touch much. Wasted. Got 2 cups ^.^ Fine this is the first time I got it. hahaha!

Joel left, then went to library to do some work. Miraculously, we got a table The people left soon after we came (Y) Did econs graps (hell 34++) of them, ShiMei came after her band and told us the story about her 'walk to remember' hahaah! Work-gossiped. As usual. Can't focus with that crazy girl around. LOL.

Mee Kaiyz at NTUC, ShiMei got her things and separated. Went Mac have ice-cream/work on remaining homework (obviously we didn't finish much) Went off and met Joel. Went to 833 or somewhere there had zhu chao (^w^)Y WANT THE CURRY THINGY NEXT TIME (:
Let pictures do the job now .

Weiloke's favourite veg and his artistic shot on it LOL

Good to have Joel - bin :D

Went to Fushan for the thing we don't do a lot - that is taking pictures. Must take more !
WeiLoke in make up mode haha! Not much diff lol.
LOL dont ask my why my face so white lips so red (no lipstick/gloss etc -__-) and legs so fat/short/tan.
Speaking of my lips, it has been burning for the whole day :( dk why.

From this picture onwards notice a trend. The outerleft person would decide a post after photo is snapped moves to right LOL :D

Fine, I'm like 'please why must I do the flower shit'

I'm trying to be 'manly' here while the guys are just trying to be normal :D

 Failed attempt to pull out Joe's cap
CAPZ OFF JOEL :D finally. Wasn't that bad really.

KaiYuan look like his sist idk why haha!
Look at WeiLoke's face - damn unwilling hhahaha!

Out of all, love...
This best. So happy ^.^

I know I would turn everyone down except you.You're special. All the best ^w^

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