
1st lesson

by - February 04, 2008


Eyes. Let it do the talking. Forget about complaining how small your eyes look, how dark your eye circles are. Get your hands moving to improve the conditions of it.(:

Firstly, have enough sleep. Lack of sleep is one of the causes of ugly dark eye circles. Try to sleep before 11pm and for 8hrs everyday. Lacking of sleep will also bring about other health problems. So sleep is really important.

Secondly, drink more water. I forgot how it REALLY helps, but it will (: I know 8 glasses per day is a must but I don't drink so much too. Sometimes it's too tasteless and drinking it makes me feel like vomitting.
So you can choose alternative like drinking soup, or adding lemon juice into plain water to add taste to it.
Lemon contains calcium which supplies bones, teeth and the nervous system with basic nourishment. It is also able to break down proteins in meat, poultry, fish, beans and eggs.
It can

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