by - April 23, 2008

hey : DDDDDDD yes, i back alrdys. after mugging REAL hard for days.
it's wed, and a great day to spend with peeps. (:
yet i have to drown myself with the unfinished work =.= blahs~ i'm mugging hard.

sometimes, though i can't take it lying down, but i don't wanna invite anymore trouble.
it's not affecting me, it's NOT.
let me tell you once and for all, this time round, i don't wish to say anything anymore. though people might think it's our fault. it's allright. 清者自清(i hope it's right :XX)
nvmind, i ain't letting this kinda small thing distrupt my focus (: shan't forget about you.
but if you continue to do this again, i dunno how i would react laas ;o

i wanna change my blogskin soon, perhaps, friday? i see how, (:
i want it done before mid-yr leh, liddat sometimes can on com and admire the chio blogskin, hahaas i miss doing skins :D

oh, haven mention, i'm gog to retake sitandreach on friday, hope i can hit at least a C and get gold for PFT! aims* (: gonna STREEEEEEEECHHHHHHHHH like rubber this few days.

satuarday gog back to school for extra phys and chem lesson (: and mr goh is back teaching us.
yay-ness, it's great. i feel motivated alrys. : DDDDDDDD
first paper on friday, english. damn, how am i gonna score well ? dunno :(

anyway, i shan't continue anymore, because i'm in comlab now with shimeimei (: she's finding some korean stuff.
once agn, all the best for muggers !

remember to stay tune; for my new blog. (major changes will be made)

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