by - April 07, 2008

today was damn damn packed :O
dearests went to OBS, hope they enjoy themselves to the fullest. and here i am, missing each and every one of them deeply. come back soonnnnn ~!

jielin: made mama proud ;DDD
skip all the lesson stuff; straight away to PFT. (physical fitness test)
yes, it's today :x
planning to skip at first, but.. nvm, i shall TRY.

and i did it, i survived;

it started with changing into the rotten-in-a-corner PE shirt with baichi.
and assembly+briefing soon after in hall.
after that 3/4 proceed to first station; -pullup.

`it was never a problem to jielin (: and she did it gracefully, not.
can you imagine how snakey she behaves when she's doing it? lols.
but she's really contented with the results produced, a nice 34.
and seriously, for the first time, this score, usually 24, so i improved by a good TEN.
and cute^4 nat was really cute ;D and she deserves to be named 'cute^5 nat' :D
well, i shant elaborate on that, you can ask her xD

next we went to; -shutterrun (or sth?).
`today was quite a embarrasing failure to jielin.
on the 2nd try, she went running off without the beanbag in her hand.
and it's like.. LMAO totally, screwed.
hence took the first reading, a lousy 1167s. ( :c )
well, it's my stupid eyesight and my short hand, cant reach the beanbag.

then waited at the; -situp area.
went to -sit and reach first.
`THIS! always always, a problem to jielin.
she cant stretch, she aint a rubberband or whatsoever.
hit a really amazing 34 :O
*claps* i tried my very best.

we went to standing board jump(or sth)
`jielin did exceptionally well :D,
to her only laas ;D a good good achievement,
which sends her smiling all day long? lmao.
at 1st hit 175, then asked ah gong abt his results.
got motivated; hence jump agn and hit a nicenice 181cm :D
tell her it's good, (for her height+short legs :x)

last station was; -situp
`it made her stomach skin ache? or rather, muscle.
and because of ahgong's results agn, she pushed forward,
and ended with a beautiful 49.
another great thing, normally she can only do 40, yes, 4o.

and after that went home with tiffy,
well, not actually, she pei me go cwp (:
damn nice allrights.!
talked abt things and hope things will turn out better for her,'
forget about the stress yea,

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