by - June 08, 2008

-ytd went for my first tuition lesson with Joey* (I'm the TEACHER :x)
She lived in Yishun Emerald, a condo located near yishun MRT.

My daddy drove me there, hundreds of thanks ;) If not I sure waste a lot of time de (:
Then while tuition-ing saw a really large and BLACK roach crawling LOL.


Then I told her to get her dad. LOLS she told her dad " got zhang lang! teacher also scared!"
o.o hahs, who say teacher cannot scared of roaches? Ugly little bastards running around. -.-

I can't find my way around the condo alright. STUPID. The uncle very nice tell me to go backgate as it was nearer to the bus-stop, BUT he didn't tell me WHERE.
I walked around the estate like a retard under my pink umbrella. =.=
But I still managed to find it. (: (after half an hr)
Wanna go out via backgate must press a green button at the side de. I scared so don't dare press ( ltr is security bell HOW?!), so I waited for the security to come back and ask for "permission"

Waiting for 169, luckily it can go back to woodlands interchange. :D
When the bus approached, the bus driver actually nodded to acknowledge me ! OMG.
(ok I'm being pretty lame, but I don't get acknowledge before ok)
When I boarded the bus, THE BUS UNCLE GREETED ME
"Good Afternoon" & "Thank You"

FU*K, Ever met a bus driver that's so polite? That greets every single being that boards the bus, smiling to them. It totally makes my day ;D I don't even get greeting from cab drivers which I pay 10 times the price of it la. Ok, not 10 times, more than that. -.- (unless I cab home from tuition or to school)
But none even looked at the bus driver nor greet him back. Where's the manners?! I nodded, at least :x Despite all this, he continue to greet all of the passengers.
He even stand up to encourage pple to move in, even to the uncle in front of me, who was taking up TWO seats to give one seat to a passenger. (: He's SO NICE! He don't wna leave anyone in the bus-stop ;D
So nice de man deserves recognition. If you ever meet him, remember to greet him back. (:

Anyway, he's driving 169, TIB799I, sth like that.
Actually wanted to write in the SMRT to credit this man BUT I can't remember his bus no.
There's no name anyway.
"If I meet him again, I will copy down the no. and send email over to SMRT when home."
Looking forward to the Saturday (:

  • I LOVE THAT DAY, meeting the cool security AND BUS DRIVER (:
  • Joey is a little nice girl, too.

2 more days, baby (:
you know who you are.

all the best to Shaun*. Takecare :D

Off to watch TV (:

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